You must have heard that letting your cat out in the cold is harmful to their health and may cause hypothermia.
But, do you know that hot temperatures also impact their health?
Cats are usually used-to to living at room temperature, especially indoor cats. They do not like being out in hot weather and may be irritated if you take them out. Besides emotional issues, high temperatures may cause your cat to overheat, and they exhibit symptoms of dehydration.
How to Tell if a Cat is Hot or Cold?
It is easier to tell if your cat is hot or cold if they stay around you all the time. You can observe changes in their physical appearance and activities. Some common symptoms include changes in their sleep cycle and body temperature. Cats typically do not have the same body temperature as humans, but you can understand if your cat is warm as a pet parent. There are some other signs that you may observe when your cat is feeling hot.
Cat Overheating Symptoms
Cats sleep for 16 hours or more a day. They may be in bed more than usual if your cat is overheated. Changes in a cat’s sleep cycle are major indicators of an underlying issue that your pet may not be able to communicate. When a playful, active cat stays asleep more on summer days, it could indicate an overheated cat.
When your cat struggles to survive in warm temperatures, you may see them panting and passive. The panting or breathlessness may not be serious if it lasts for a few seconds only. Yet, it could also indicate a heat stroke if it continues, and the feline baby must be taken to a vet immediately.
Sweaty Feet
One of the physical attributes that show overheating in a cat is the presence of sweat on its feet. The reason for sweaty feet is the presence of sweat glands in their feet opposed to humans, where the glands are present throughout the body. If your cat is sweaty when you cuddle and play with them, it is a sign that its body is trying to cool down on its own.
High Body Temperature
Signs and symptoms differ from each other, and signs like high body temperature allow you to understand the condition better. A change in body temperature is easy to identify and needs immediate intervention. You may touch the cat to feel the temperature or use a thermometer.
When your cat suffers from extreme overheating, they may also lose stability and balance. You can observe a change in their gait, and they seem unstable while walking. If these signs are not taken seriously, your cat may suffer from seizures in the long run.
Red Gums
Though you might not typically observe your cat’s gums, they become noticeably red in case of overheating. If you see red gums in your cat’s oral cavity, they are another sign of overheating in summers, and you must try to cool your cat immediately.
How Do Cats Keep Themselves Cool?
Conserving Energy
Cats usually keep themselves cool by conserving their energy by staying inside more and sitting in cool areas. They prefer to sleep during the warm part of the day and avoid engaging in activities that drain energy.
Fur Coat
You may think that the fur coat troubles your cat and increases the heat retention in their body; it is not entirely so. The fur acts as an insulator from the environmental heat and enables them to stay cool on hot days.

Drinking More Water
Like humans, cats also feel thirstier in hot and humid weather and drink more water to stay hydrated. Always place a bowl of clean water for your cat to drink when they feel hot.
You may not know, but cats groom themselves more to help saliva evaporate. It gives the same cooling effect as sweating in humans. Cats also sweat from their feet as a cooling mechanism. However, if your cat is grooming themselves a lot at one part of the body, like their back or near the tail, it could be due to the presence of mites or fleas. Always look out for unusual behavior and evaluate the cause timely.
How To Keep Your Cat Cool?
You can keep your cat cool by providing a more comfortable temperature for them to conserve energy and feel less hot. It is best to turn the inside temperature of your house to a moderate temperature that is not too hot or too cold for your cat.
What temperature is too hot for cats Celsius?
Cats typically have a higher body temperature than humans, with an average of 37.7°C (100°F). Some breeds like Balinese and Persian have higher temperatures. However, get familiar with your fur baby’s body temperature and can observe if she is overheating. If your cat’s body temperature is above 40°C, it is time to take measures to cool them.
Do heat and humidity affect cats?
Besides high environmental temperature, increased humidity can also cause heatstroke in your cat. If you live in a hot and humid area, an inexpensive mister can offer relief to your feline baby on hot summer days.
How to check a cat’s temperature?
You can check your cat’s temperature using a rectal thermometer. Apply a generous amount of lubricant to your cat’s anus and insert the thermometer gently. Leave it for a few minutes and take it out to record the reading.