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Best Way to Remove Mats from Cats


Did you know? Cats are known to be the best groomers, taking care of themselves! But what is the most disturbing thing that comes along with this pet? It’s shredded fur all around. A normal-sized cat is supposed to have almost 1 lac 30 thousand hairs per sq. inches which is huge! With this prevails, a most common problem in them is called cat mats. Several mats in a furry animal can be extensively painful besides being unattractive. If you do not treat them at the right time, they might cause skin infections in your feline friend.

We understand that de-matting your best friend would be a stressful time for you and even for your cat, but it’s equally important! Calm your cat down and slowly proceed with basic steps that we will discuss later on in this article. If you’re too much emotionally attached to your cat, we suggest you contact an expert who’ll help you get rid of this problem quite quickly. Let’s step further to know the primary cause behind cat mats.

Reasons of Cat Mats

cat fur

Most hairy cats usually face these mat issues being a complete fur ball. These frequently extend on the areas of excessive movement or rubbing, such as on the chest, nearby cat collars, between legs, and around the tail. As these creatures love sleeping all day, it causes pressure on the lying points like the shoulder, thus increasing cat mats.

Another prominent reason behind the cat mat is the shredding of its hair. The unnecessary loss of cat hair gets stuck in its coat, which further creates mess through tangling. When you leave your cat’s mats unattended, they get tighter and intensify becoming more severe and causing difficulty while sleeping. However regular brushing helps.

Factors to Consider Before De-Matting

It’s a complex phenomenon that can or cannot be removed through brushing, washing, or spraying. Then what options would you choose to de-mat your cat? As a pet owner, you might be familiar with eradicating this matted hair through shaving or generally combing the hair regularly. Now it’s your part to examine what could be the best and the least painful way to remove mats from your cat. Consider a few factors before processing, such as:

  • The strength/intensity of mats
  • Your cat’s skin condition, age, and mood
  • Size and position of cat mats, etc.

Most cats are reluctant and never allow their owners even to touch them, especially when they’re experiencing this intolerable situation. Make your pet feel comfortable around you and the tools you are using because it’s indispensable to remove cat mats at the right time. If you are confused about starting the process, reach out to the best cat groomers in your town to acquire the most detailed knowledge.

Requirements While Removing Cat Mats

Never initiate de-matting your cat in between her playtime. You first ease off your pet if it’s in pain; otherwise, your cat might hurt you with its claws. The removal of the cat mat requires a few things, including:

  • A pair of straight-end scissors
  • A soothing conditioner or a spray bottle
  • A fine-toothed comb
  • Some cat treats
  • Talcum powder or cornstarch

Steps to De-Mat, a Cat

After you’ve collected the above material, make your cat sit at a calm place and start with the following steps:

Soften the Matted Portion

Find the matted area of your cat and gently spread talcum powder or cornstarch on it. Rub it with your fingers to slowly take them out from the cat’s skin. As soon as your cat starts resisting, stop it right there and again relax it to take all the mats out. Make sure to work until you see its skin.

Cut the Mat

The cat treat is to praise your brave feline friend for bearing such pain! After making him happy with the food:

  • Please take out the straight-end scissors and carefully use them to cut the skin and reach the mat.
  • Be on guard while making cuts on the skin, and do not pull your cat’s hair.
  • Keep going until you use the scissors to split another half-inch of the skin.

This way, you can gradually observe the detached mats that are now loose, so you extract them away quickly.

Gently Comb the Mat

Brushing a cat

Hold the mat’s base with your soft hands (using forefinger and thumb), and start splitting the mats you’re seeing. Make sure never to pull your pet’s hair with the comb as it can hurt him. Always start combing from the tips of your cat’s hair. After that, gently move further to tackle those stubborn mat sections that are hard to detangle. Still, if you think this process is not under your control, contact a professional for help.

When to Contact a Pet Groomer/Professional?

Most veterinarian suggests pet owners to always seek professional help in case of their pets. These people are more experienced towards handling your pet during their stress time or even when they’re relaxed. If you don’t find yourself in the pink to de-mat your beloved cat or are facing difficulties in removing the mats, get in touch with a cat groomer.

The cat groomer will first analyze your cat’s behavior and how your pet responds to these painful mats. They will thoroughly examine the cat’s body and overall skin condition, etc. It will help the expert find the perfect solution for your cat and start the de-mating treatment. It’s better to seek a doctor as soon as you realize your pet is getting mats. Otherwise, the entire treatment will get expensive with the intensity of the problem.

Final Thoughts

We know how much you’re attached to your cute little furry ball; we understand your love. But sometimes, we get so busy in our lives that it results in negligence of our pet’s health. Try to give your cat a proper time when you can brush him gently all over the body to avoid any matting situation. It should be a daily routine for people especially having long-haired cats, as they are more prone to such problems. We have mentioned the possible steps of de-matting your cat, but again, the top-most recommendation is to check on them to avoid such issues.

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